Why Learn Low-Code/No-Code

Why Learn Low-Code/No-Code


In recent years, low-code and no-code solutions have been gaining in popularity. As an engineer, you may want to bury your head in the sand and pretend these tools don’t exist. It can be unpleasant to think that your job might be replaced by a GUI. Although these tools can’t do everything you can with raw code, they are definitely worth paying attention to.

In this article, we will discuss what low and no-code tools are and why you should learn about them. Even the best developers can benefit from these platforms. Let’s explore how.

What is Low-Code/No-code?

Although they are often lumped together, low-code and no-code are two separate things. As the name implies, low-code platforms still require coding knowledge and are intended for use by developers. Some examples of low-code platforms include Appian and OutSystems

No code tools, on the other hand, are aimed at people with no coding experience. They completely abstract away the underlying code and instead employ a graphical interface for use in app creation. Some examples of no-code tools include Betty Blocks and Thunkable

Why you should learn Low-code/No-code

Embracing these tools might feel like you are signing the death certificate for your own industry, but that’s not the case. The reality is that there are myriad reasons why a developer would want to be part of this revolution. Here are some reasons:

  1. Because it’s the future: By one estimate, 65% of app development will use these tools by 2024. It is very likely that your next job will require some experience in using low-code frameworks. Developers are known for embracing new technologies, and this should be no exception. Be one of the people who can put these skills on your resume, not one who refuses to evolve.
  2. Because it’s fast: In tests, development using low-code tools is about 4.6x as fast as development using traditional methods of coding. This means that it is great for prototyping. Why spend ages creating something only to find out that it’s not viable? It’s better to come up with a proof of concept quickly using low-code tools, then tweak or add to them as your project evolves.
  3. Because your expertise is needed: As more and more non-technical people use no-code tools to create apps, there will be more need for technical folks to help them. Engineers will obviously be needed to create and maintain these frameworks. There will also be a need for people who can customize apps created using no-code tools, and those who can provide assistance and training in their use.


Low-code and no-code tools are the next step in app development. Software developers should take the time to learn how they work in order to benefit from the proliferation of these platforms.